Plenty or Running Out?
14 July, 2024
When I tell people I'm 26, I hear two narratives.
Narrative 1: You've got plenty of time!
Narrative 2: You're running out of time!
Which is true?
I battled this question for a long time until I found the answer in a blog post by Derek Sivers.
The answer: Neither!
I neither have plenty of time nor am running out of time.
But believing I have time makes me less anxious. And I work better when I'm less anxious.
This might not be the case for everyone. Some people need the pressure of a ticking clock to get things done.
So, the real question is: Which narrative should you believe in?
Derek, in his blog post, said
Beliefs are useful, not true. Choose the belief that makes you take the action you want.
I want to work well. I work well when I'm less anxious. I'm less anxious when I believe I have time. So, I chose to believe in the first narrative.
What about you? Which narrative do you believe in?